
Yes! I Am Always Open to Hiring New Leadership and Starting Partnerships

Here’s What We Both Need to Know

Every week, without fail, I encounter individuals eager to take on a leadership position within my business ventures or to collaborate on new startups.

As a serial entrepreneur since 1992, I am perpetually open to embracing someone to come take on a high-level leadership role and partnering in new, exciting startup ventures. However, the true challenge lies not in the willingness to collaborate, but in the readiness for business ownership.

Understanding the Entrepreneurial Mindset

Many who approach me possess a solo-entrepreneur mentality, often more suited to employee roles than steering a business to multi-million-dollar revenue heights. This mindset, more often than not, reveals its limitations early in our discussions. Despite this, I make it a point to listen and consider each proposal, however briefly. With over thirty years in business development, and consulting several thousand entrepreneurs globally, I’ve developed an instinct for spotting red flags early on. Experience has taught me that ignoring these signs often leads to less-than-favorable outcomes.

The Reality of Partnerships

Frequently, individuals recognize my business development skills and, instead of hiring my services, propose partnerships or collaborations. Unfortunately, these offers often mask an intent to leverage my expertise without fair compensation. The most challenging scenarios are those where individuals expect me to shoulder the entire startup burden while they steer the ship and reap the benefits.

My Approach for 2024

Having learned from past experiences, I am now committed to working exclusively with established leaders or those with significant leadership experience. This decision is grounded in my desire to preserve mental health and ensure business productivity.

To this end, I have established a set of commandments for business leadership. In the form of affirmations. One for them, and one for me and my boundaries.

14 Commandments of Business Co-Leadership

1) Leaders Learn:

Always humbly engaged in self-improvement and personal development.

  • My Affirmation: I will not coerce someone into self-improvement.

2.) Leaders Exude:

Radiating confidence and trustworthiness.

  • My Affirmation: I will not force authenticity.

“Authenticity= transparency + integrity” — Maurice W. Evans

3.) Leaders Focus:

Prioritizing the vision and mission without overextending.

  • My Affirmation: I will not compete for attention to the mission.

4.) Leaders Commit:

Making and honoring commitments in all areas.

  • My Affirmation: I will not excuse failures to honor obligations.

5.) Leaders Last:

Demonstrating perseverance and resilience.

  • My Affirmation: I will not expect quitters to endure the long haul.

6.) Leaders Act:

Self-starters who don’t wait for others to make the first move.

  • My Affirmation: I will not wait on, circle around, or act for them.

7.) Leaders Communicate:

Frequent, clear, and prompt communication.

  • My Affirmation: I will not seek them out or extract information from them.

8) Leaders Show Up:

Consistently present and accountable.

  • My Affirmation: I will not chase after them.

9.) Leaders Gather:

Attracting followers and building a team.

  • My Affirmation: I will not recruit for their area of responsibility.

10.) Leaders Think:

Problem-solvers who find solutions.

  • My Affirmation: I will not struggle for solutions they must find.

11.) Leaders Do:

Effective execution and realization of plans.

  • My Affirmation: I will not pick up the slack for them.

12.) Leaders Rest:

Understanding the importance of balance and rest.

  • My Affirmation: I will not force them to take necessary breaks.

13.) Leaders Care:

Compassion towards themselves and others.

  • My Affirmation: I will not coerce them into compassion.

14.) Leaders Dream Big:

Pursuing ambitious goals and encouraging growth.

  • My Affirmation: I will not desire more for them than they do for themselves.

Then there is one affirmation, that could sum up all of them. If I could only remember or use one, it would be this one.

Top Affirmation:

Leaders Lead — themselves first.

  • Personal Healthy Affirmation: I will not do it for them, even if they wish it.

My “commandments” framework not only sets clear expectations for potential leaders and partners but also directly emphasizes the importance of my accountability and growth. It’s a roadmap for both parties to understand our future roles and responsibilities in a successful business partnership.

Evaluating Potential Leaders and Partners:

Before considering someone for a leadership role or a partnership in a new venture, I assess these commandments. While I do not expect perfection, a strong presence in these areas is essential. Lacking these qualities is often a deal-breaker. As of January 1, 2024, adherence to these commandments is non-negotiable across all my endeavors. I will first seek to improve the areas of limitation, and if there is pushback or lack of progress, I will terminate all processes and negotiations expeditiously.

My Commitment to Growth and Boundaries:

In aligning with potential leaders or partners, it’s crucial that they embody these commandments. My role is to support and guide, not to rescue or carry the weight of their responsibilities. This commitment extends to avoiding enabling behaviors and setting healthy boundaries.

Still Here?

If you’re considering a leadership role in one of my businesses or a startup partnership, start by evaluating yourself against these commandments. For those not yet at this level, there’s always room for growth. Begin as a student of our processes; enroll in our courses. Many of my best partners have started this way.

What should be added?

As we’ve explored these Commandments of Business Co-Leadership, it’s clear that effective leadership is a dynamic and evolving journey. While this list may seem comprehensive, the landscape of leadership and entrepreneurship is ever-changing, and there’s always room for growth and new insights.

I invite you, the reader, to reflect on these commandments and consider what might be added. What leadership qualities do you find indispensable? Are there affirmations that resonate with your experience? I welcome your thoughts and contributions. Please feel free to comment or submit your ideas. Your input is invaluable in enriching this discussion and helping us all grow as leaders and entrepreneurs.

Let’s continue this conversation and build a collective wisdom that benefits us all.



Maurice W Evans, Best-Selling Marketing Consultant

Maurice W. Evans. Certified Powernality Master Trainer. Meta Certified Community Manager. Certified Guerrilla Marketing Coach. Maxwell Leadership Certified Team