
Understanding Your SuperPowers

Mastering Motivation and Inspiration by using your Powernality™

Photo by Xan Griffin on Unsplash

We’ve all been there.

One moment you’re feeling invincible, tackling tasks like a superhero, and the next, you’re stuck in quicksand, struggling to even make a dent in your to-do list. You ask yourself, “Where did my mojo go?” Well, it’s time to dig deep and harness your innate SuperPowers — because motivation, like your personality, is your very own superpower!

The Enigma of Motivation

Motivation is that magical force that turns ordinary people into doers and dreamers into achievers. Yet, it’s a slippery thing, isn’t it? Some people define it as a mental drive, an invisible hand pushing you towards completing that novel, launching that startup, or yes, even asking that person out on a date.

In the psychology world, it’s tied closely to behavior, setting the pace and direction of your actions. But let’s take a step back from scholarly definitions and dive into something truly transformational: the concept of Powernality™.

The Powernality™ Connection

Picture yourself having superpowers. In the Powernality™ universe, everyone has them. You could be a COMMANDR™, someone who’s decisive and results-focused, or perhaps an ENERGIZR™, who walks into a room and electrifies it. There are also PROTECTRs™ and CALCULATRs™, each with their unique SuperPowers.

Now, imagine if you could channel your superhero avatar into mastering motivation? Powernality™ teaches you that your natural temperament — your PREFERRED Behavior Style — is your authentic Super-Self. Recognize it, embrace it, and you’ve unlocked the first secret to unshakable motivation.

Intrinsic Motivation: The Soul of Your SuperPowers

Just like Batman has an inherent drive for justice that doesn’t need applause or rewards, intrinsic motivation is your inner SuperPower. It’s the passion project you’d work on even if no one paid you, the painting you create not to sell but simply to express. This kind of motivation resonates deeply with Powernality™ because it’s like tapping into your superhero origin story, it’s authentic and true to who you are. It’s your PREFERRED Behavior Style in action.

Extrinsic Motivation: The Sidekicks and Allies

Superheroes often have sidekicks or get a boost from external gadgets and tokens. Think of extrinsic motivation as these sidekicks and gadgets — tangible or intangible rewards like bonuses or public recognition that fuel your quest. It aligns with your PRESENTED Behavior Style, the adaptive characteristics you display due to environmental influences. While it’s not the core of your being, it has value. Like Batman’s utility belt or Iron Man’s Jarvis, it aids in your mission.

Tips for Mastering Motivation the Powernality™ Way

  1. Identify Your SuperPower Style: Are you a COMMANDR™ or more of a PROTECTR™? Knowing your Powernality™ style helps you align your motivation sources accordingly.
  2. Set Heroic Goals: Superheroes are all about missions. Translate your motivation into achievable tasks. If you’re a CALCULATR™, you’ll probably enjoy breaking a big project down into meticulous plans.
  3. Assemble Your Squad: Surround yourself with people who complement your Powernality™ style. A balanced team can make any mission a success.
  4. Adopt a Heroic Mindset: Tap into your innate characteristics, your inner SuperPowers, to maintain a consistently motivated state of mind.
  5. Celebrate the Wins: Whether it’s intrinsic or extrinsic, remember to celebrate your victories. Even superheroes throw a party after saving the world!

Go Ahead and Show ‘Dem

Just as The Hulk doesn’t need to be reminded to be strong or Spider-Man to be agile, your natural Powernality™ traits are your go-to SuperPowers for keeping you motivated.

So, whether you’re after that promotion or simply trying to paint that masterpiece, remember that the key to everlasting motivation lies in being the best version of your Super-Self.

Embrace your Powernality™, save your own world, and who knows, you might just end up saving the world of others too.

Now, cape on or not, go out there and show the world what you’re made of!



Maurice W Evans, Best-Selling Marketing Consultant

Maurice W. Evans. Certified Powernality Master Trainer. Meta Certified Community Manager. Certified Guerrilla Marketing Coach. Maxwell Leadership Certified Team