
The Answer to the Most Frequently Asked Question I Receive:

“What Is The Best Way To Market My Business?”

Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

As someone deeply invested in the success of entrepreneurs, the question I encounter most often is, “What is the best way to market my business?”

The answer to effective marketing, often perceived as elusive, actually lies in a clear, strategic approach, deeply rooted in the fundamental principles of both effective marketing and Powernality™.

Contrary to common expectations, it’s not about fleeting tactics or quick fixes. Relying solely on such temporary measures can lead to instability; they lose their efficacy when the market environment inevitably shifts.

What a waste of effort and resources!

Here’s the answer:

Marketing success is not solely about what actions you undertake, but significantly about how and where you execute them. — Maurice W. Evans

True mastery in marketing is rooted in understanding basic human psychology. Once these principles are grasped, they can be adapted and applied effectively in any context. This understanding has been the cornerstone of my success over the past 30 years.

It begins with identifying your ideal target customer, understanding where they gather information and spend their time, and then strategically positioning your business in those spaces to add value.

This method transcends conventional marketing tactics, focusing instead on creating meaningful connections with your audience, resonating with their needs, and building a community that aligns with your brand’s ethos.

In today’s dynamic business landscape, mastering marketing is essential for any entrepreneur looking to make a lasting impact. The secret to effective marketing, while seemingly complex, can be distilled into three core steps. Let’s look at how to implement them.

1. Identify Your Ideal Target Customer

Understand Their Needs:
Dive deep into understanding the specific needs, pain points, and desires of your target customer. This involves market research, surveys, and analyzing customer feedback.

Create Customer Personas:
Develop detailed personas representing your ideal customers. Include demographics, interests, and behavioral patterns.

Align with Your Powernality™:
Reflect on how your Powernality™ influences your understanding of your customer. A COMMANDR might focus on strategic needs, while an ENERGIZR might look at innovative desires.

2. Discover Where They Spend Their Time

Research Platforms:
Determine where your ideal customers are most active. This could be social media platforms, forums, or offline spaces.

Analyze Engagement Patterns:
Look at how they engage with content. What topics do they discuss? What type of content resonates with them?

Competitor Analysis:
Observe where your competitors are successful in engaging with similar audiences. Learn from their approaches.

3. Add Value in Their Preferred Spaces

Tailored Content:
Create content that adds value to your audience’s life. This could be educational, informative, or entertaining, but it must resonate with their interests and needs.

Engage and Interact:
Don’t just broadcast; interact. Engage in conversations, respond to comments, and participate in community discussions.

Provide Solutions:
Position your product or service as a solution to their problems. Show how it fits into their lifestyle or addresses their specific challenges.

Expanding Beyond the Three Core Principles

4. Develop a Strong Brand Identity

Reflect Your Powernality™:
Your brand should be an extension of your unique strengths and attributes.

Consistent Messaging:
Ensure that your brand message is consistent across all platforms. Consistency helps in building trust and recognition.

5. Build a Community, Not Just an Audience

Foster Relationships:
Focus on building long-term relationships rather than just accumulating followers or customers.

Create a Sense of Belonging:
Develop a community where people feel a sense of belonging and connection to your brand and each other.

6. Embrace Collaboration and Seek Help

Recognize Your Strengths and Limitations:
Understand that you can only be an expert in some things, not everything. Collaborate with others where you have gaps.

Outsource and Delegate:
Consider hiring experts, coaches, consultants, or outsourcing tasks outside your skill set. Be humble and authentic about your limitations! This allows you to focus on your strengths.

7. Be Willing to Adapt and Evolve

Stay Informed:
Keep up with trends and changes in consumer behavior and market dynamics.

Be Flexible:
Be prepared to pivot your strategies based on feedback and changing market conditions. This is the core of growth hacking.

Effective marketing is a blend of:

  1. Understanding your audience
  2. Delivering value in the right spaces
  3. Continuously adapting to the evolving market.

By integrating these principles with the insights of Powernality™, entrepreneurs can develop marketing strategies that are not just effective but also authentic and aligned with their unique entrepreneurial journey.

Remember, success in marketing is about connecting, engaging, and growing with your audience.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of business, marketing stands as a crucial pillar for entrepreneurial success. The realm of marketing, when navigated with a clear understanding of Powernality™, transforms from a challenge into an opportunity for growth and connection.

As entrepreneurs, it’s our responsibility to not only understand our audience but also to reflect our unique strengths in our marketing strategies.

This approach ensures business success and contributes to a more authentic and fulfilling entrepreneurial journey.



Maurice W Evans, Best-Selling Marketing Consultant

Maurice W. Evans. Certified Powernality Master Trainer. Meta Certified Community Manager. Certified Guerrilla Marketing Coach. Maxwell Leadership Certified Team