
Do you REALLY want a Business Coach?

What Entrepreneurs Really Want: The Difference Between Seeking A Coach And Settling For Less

Greetings, Champions of Industry and Innovation!

This is Maurice W. Evans, and we need to have an honest conversation. Humble-brag: I am an Olympic-level business coach who’s helped 1000s of entrepreneurs around the world unlock their ‘SuperPowers’ with my revolutionary Powernality™ system. I’ve seen many people who think they want coaching when, in reality, they’re seeking something else entirely.

Let’s dissect this vital conundrum using an array of metaphors, analogies, and actionable insights that will make even the CALCULATRs™ among us perk up.

Are You Looking for Fans, Not a Coach?

Imagine your business is a blockbuster superhero movie, and you’re the leading character. In this high-stakes world, you’d think you want Nick Fury guiding you, right?


Many entrepreneurs just want a fan club — yes-men and yes-women who cheer for their every move. This is the social media influence trap. “Fans” are just like your Instagram followers who double-tap every post you make. They’ll “stand” for you, regardless of whether you’re in ‘hero-mode’ or defaulting to ‘villain-mode.’

While fans may boost your ego, they will not contribute to your growth or take your enterprise to the next level.

Cheerleaders: Your Constantly Positive Squad

Some entrepreneurs mistake business coaches for corporate cheerleaders. These are the people who will stand by the sidelines of your business arena, chanting motivational slogans and waving their pom-poms, regardless of your performance.

You won’t get the hard truths or the strategies to improve. You’ll get “You’re doing great, hang in there!” and maybe an encouraging GIF or two.

The Little League Coaches: The Participation Trophy Mentors

Are you playing to win or just happy to be in the game? The Little League coach is like that encouraging parent who claps even when you strike out.

These are the coaches who are fine with you just showing up, handing out participation trophies for your ‘effort.’

For young entrepreneurs — akin to little leaguers in the business realm — this might be okay. But let’s be clear, you won’t become the next Richard Branson, and not even Solar Graphics’ Richard Purdum, with a Little League approach.

The Olympic-Level Coaches: For Those Who Want to Play in the Majors

Now we’re talking about the pros. I identify as an Olympic-level coach, focusing on those who aim to be among the elite 9% of businesses that generate over a million dollars a year. If you’re serious about success, this is the category you should aim for.

These are the coaches who won’t shy away from telling you to change your ‘diet,’ whether that be in finances, strategies, or even the company you keep. These coaches train you to turn your ‘temperament’ into your superpower, your authentic self.

We ensure you’re running your business like a well-oiled machine, capitalizing on every ‘superpower’ and recognizing every ‘limitation.’

How to Choose Your Path Wisely

Now that you know the categories, here are some dos and don’ts.

  1. Don’t go for fans or cheerleaders if you’re serious about your business.
  2. Do take an assessment like Powernality™ to find out your Super-Powers and limitations, and thus, determine the kind of guidance you need.
  3. Don’t settle for a Little League coach unless you’re in the experimental phase of entrepreneurship.
  4. Do seek an Olympic-level coach like myself if you want to break into the elite 9%.

Remember, an Olympic-level coach is not for the faint-hearted. If you’re looking to skyrocket your business, you need to be prepared for the rigorous training and relentless pursuit of excellence.

In a world where only 9% of small businesses ever cross the million-dollar annual revenue line, your choice of guidance can be the game-changer.

Choose wisely, because the world needs you to be your true, authentic Super-Self.

Until next time, be your own Superhero, and make every decision a SuperPowered one!

– Maurice W. Evans, Co-Creator of Powernality™
and Your Olympic-Level Business Coach



Maurice W Evans, Best-Selling Marketing Consultant

Maurice W. Evans. Certified Powernality Master Trainer. Meta Certified Community Manager. Certified Guerrilla Marketing Coach. Maxwell Leadership Certified Team